WELCOME FROM THE HEAD We adopted the name The Crossley Heath School in 1985 in recogni!on of our shared history from the founding schools of Heath Grammar School (c1600) and Crossley & Porter School (c1857). Our school building was opened in 1864 as a school and orphanage for girls and boys. Our school s!ll retains the spirit of being a school family, with everyone commi"ed to suppor!ng each other to succeed, in the friendliest school environment possible. At Crossley Heath we believe happiness is at the heart of a truly successful school and being as welcoming a school as possible really ma"ers. Inclusivity underpins happiness, so we have a shared commitment to ensuring all members of our community thrive and champion all protected characteris!cs. Academic aspira!on is as high as possible, as the strongest grades open the brightest doors. Ethical leadership skills are also fundamental for our students, as today’s students will be the custodians responsible for shaping society and our world in the years to come. Joining a school with the history and heritage of Crossley Heath as we celebrate 160 years of educa!on in our unique building is a truly exci!ng !me. Come and join us on the most rewarding educa!onal journey possible as part of the friendliest school you ever encountered. I do hope this prospectus gives you a wealth of informa!on about our rich and vibrant life at Crossley Heath and look forward to welcoming you to the Crossley Heath school family. Mr D Jones, Headteacher Iam delighted to share with you details of this wonderful school and I do hope that you will have the opportunity to visit in person to get a true sense of this unique and very special place. 3