WELCOME A very warm 3 www.crossleyheath.org.uk We are so proud of our Sixth Form students. Ensuring they experience educa0onal excellence, are happy, develop strong values and contribute posi0vely to society is the reason we are here. The Calderdale annual school health and wellbeing survey highlighted that our students are the happiest, feel the safest, and have the most posi0ve selfesteem of all schools in our region. Our school and Sixth Form culture begins with building great rela4onships. Thanks to having a Sixth Form of just 150 students in each year group, every individual student ma5ers. Teachers know our Sixth Formers for the people they are, so can best support their learning and development into strong characters achieving academic excellence. Every single Sixth Form student benefits from our five promises. 1 We give every student their own laptop-come-tablet, two-in-one computer for study at school and home whilst they are part of our Crossley Heath School Family. 2 We ensure every student gets a leading work experience placement matched to their career goals which, thanks to the network of connec4ons our school has built up, has even included placements abroad and led to degree appren4ceships only available to our students. 3 We run enrichment on Wednesday a$ernoons for every Sixth Former, allowing us to field great sports teams in football, netball and rugby, alongside voluntary, medical and educa4onal placements only available here. Our overseas enrichment trips are legendary, with interna4onal sports tours for male and female students and our annual New York trip. 4 Thanks to being an 11 to 18 school, all our Sixth Formers benefit from character building leadership opportuni4es as academic tutors, wellbeing mentors, house captains and sports coaches for younger students. 5 We run a scholarship programme to ensure all our students are the most compe44ve when securing leading University and Degree Appren4ceship places. Our funded scholarships for the highest a5aining students at GCSE and A-Level are becoming well known, however we have also built the most effec4ve two-year programme of super-curricular experiences that ensures our students out-compete others in the quest for places in the best post-18 des4na4ons. Our mission is to unlock poten4al and build leaders of the future. I do hope this prospectus gives you a wealth of informa4on about our rich and vibrant life at Crossley Heath and look forward to welcoming you to the Crossley Heath family. Dean Jones, Head Teacher
CROSSLEY HEATH? Why apply to • High academic achievement • Exci0ng and challenging curriculum • Warm, inclusive and vibrant sixth form community • Great teaching and learning • Outstanding pastoral care • Being valued as an individual 4 Our Culture Great Rela0onships: Crossley Heath is a school family where the connec4on between students and staff leads to las4ng rela4onships and a proud link to our school that lasts a life4me. Strength of Character: Our breadth of extra-curricular opportuni4es, the huge range of student leadership roles, the dynamic house system and tailor-made mentoring roles, all go to help us grow future leaders with CVs jam-packed with character development experience. Individuals Ma1er: Crossley’s Sixth Form offers the exclusivity of 150 places and the support of smaller class sizes (the average is 12 students). This means your teachers know you as a person, know your learning needs, and tailor their approaches to make sure you achieve your very best. Our pastoral care is second to none and you will never be lost in the crowd. Academic Excellence: We are proud to be one of the highest performing schools in Northern England. Our 5 Crossley Heath Promises 1. A laptop for every student. 2. Internship/work experience with a leading employer. 3. Curriculum enrichment, spor4ng excellence & overseas adventures. 4. Unique leadership opportuni4es. 5. Scholarship super-curricular programme for students aspiring to A* standard Universi4es and the most sought-a$er degree appren4ceships. 5 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk “The school is outstanding in terms of supplying support with applying to university through UCAS, and giving lots of help with wri0ng personal statements. Guest speakers promote different op0ons other than just university, including appren0ceships and the staff really help support you in making the best decision for your future.” Current Year 13 student
FAMILY VISION & VALUES The Crossley Heath We are proud of our heritage as a school stretching back to the origins of Heath Grammar School in 1600 and to the opening of our school building as an orphanage and school in 1864. Our school was founded through the kindness of philanthropy and inclusion. We keep this spirit alive today in our commitment to support the most vulnerable in our community and by championing the diversity of students from all backgrounds. We are an inclusive school family, pursuing our vision to be“The leading school for educa onal excellence, where we nurture happy students with strong values, so they all contribute posi vely to society”. Our values are Kindness, Courage and Excellence Being a separate Sixth Form within a school family of students aged from 11 years old through to 19 years old gives us the ‘best of both worlds’. Our Sixth Formers are treated as adults with their own social and study spaces, as well as the freedom to come and go from school flexibly in free periods. Yet, as the oldest students in school, our Sixth Formers are role models able to take on responsibility as mentors, tutors, House captains and coaches. The benefits of confidence and communica4on skills from working with younger students cannot be underes4mated. Academic Enrichment Universi4es and employers need students to have more than just good grades. Crossley Heath’s excellent Enrichment Programme offers a wide choice of ac4vi4es and placements that encourage our students to develop an array of skills to help them to be successful and wellrounded when they leave us. Through links with local employers, chari4es, community groups and schools we offer work-based opportuni4es and volunteering placements that give students real-life experience beyond the classroom. 6 7 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk “I look back fondly on my 0me as part of the Crossley Heath sixth form. It offered a brilliant environment for both work and socialising with my peers. ” Former student
8 9 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk Addi0onal Qualifica0ons EPQ Our experienced staff run the pres4gious Extended Project Qualifica4on during Year 12 in conjunc4on with the University of Huddersfield, which brings UCAS points as well as demonstra4ng independent research and organisa4onal skills which are invaluable for future university study. Core Maths Our school believes strongly that Maths is for life and doesn’t just end with a GCSE exam. We therefore provide an addi4onal Level 3 qualifica4on for all our Y12 students not taking Maths A level, which equips them with realworld relevant skills and numeracy prac4ce. We encourage all our students to take the 2 hourper-week Core Maths course to see how it will help them (but there is flexibility). Core Maths runs through Y12 with an exam taken in the summer and the qualifica4on is worth 40 extra UCAS points. Oxbridge and Medicine dedicated form groups Students aspiring to study at Cambridge or Oxford or seeking a highly compe44ve medical degree are grouped into forms with students of the same aspira4on. This allows bespoke prepara4on including admissions tests, interviews and super-curricular discussions. Online Learning Resources We invest in the high impact online learning websites Up Learn and My Super Curricular. All students have access to these resources, funded by our school and of course, always accessible through the laptops we give our students. Extra-Curricular Enrichment Extra-Curricular enrichment opportuni4es are great fun, support our mental and physical wellbeing, as well as developing communica4on and character. Every Wednesday a$ernoon at Crossley Heath is dedicated to either sport or volunteering. We have Sixth Form teams for boys’ rugby, girls’ netball and football for both boys and girls, playing matches across the Yorkshire region. As alterna4ves or addi4ons to our spor4ng programme we also run our MedSoc which supports students who are considering careers in medicine, den4stry and veterinary science. Furthermore, we offer volunteering placements in a range of local primary schools, special schools and chari4es to again grow our students’ character, enhance CVs and give back to our community. Enrichment doesn’t just take place on Wednesday a$ernoons though; we also run in-house music lessons, instrumental groups, journalis4c opportuni4es through our Sixth Form-led school newspaper, an annual school Drama produc4on and so much more. Work Experience Placements We ensure excellent work experience placements for all. Our Year 12 work experience week in the spring term allows students to experience the world of work in an industry they are passionate to learn about. We successfully match your aspira4ons with local, na4onal and even interna4onal providers, allowing our Sixth Formers to enhance their post A Level applica4ons, their employability and even offer a direct route to secure higher level appren4ceships. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD
EXTRA?CURRICULAR ENRICHMENT Sixth Form Trips We believe in giving our students the chance to explore the world. Our sports teams tour interna4onally, with 2025 seeing a boys’ rugby tour to Canada and a girls’ sport tour to Dubai. Our students enjoy an annual Personal Development trip to New York. Our subject areas undertake trips to the Isle of Arran in Geography, Wales in Biology, Paris in Religious Studies, alongside a cross- curricular trip to Berlin and students in the Auschwitz project travelling to Poland. Sixth Formers take part in the Na4onal Ci4zenship Scheme and Duke of Edinburgh Awards too. Furthermore, our close partnerships with the leading UK Universi4es leads to annual residen4al visits to Cambridge University (Selwyn College), Durham University, Oxford University (Worcester College) and Degree Appren4ceship providers. All our trips are educa4onal ones and so students in receipt of bursary and needing financial support can be helped to fund these opportuni4es, as at Crossley Heath no student is le$ behind. Leadership Development We believe in building a culture of Sixth Formers as role models and confident communicators through the expecta4on that every Sixth Form student contributes to student leadership. Students are trained in the skills of leadership through a programme which begins on Sixth Form induc4on day. The programme covers interpersonal skills, the traits of effec4ve mentoring, coaching and understanding safeguarding. Personal Development lessons are vehicles for developing these skills alongside an assembly programme drawing on high calibre outside speakers. Sixth formers then commit to leadership opportuni4es such as one-to-one subject tutoring, pastoral mentoring, enrichment club leadership, sports coaching, voluntary work or MEDSOC. Furthermore, we have a Sixth Form student council, led by our Head Students and prefects to help build real-world leadership experience and the con4nual development of our school. House System The House System is one of the most wonderful aspects of our school heritage. It is so much fun! All students are in one of four houses – Kings, Queens, Porter or Savile. We have four House Majors over the year – the Swimming Gala, House Drama, House Music and Sports Day. Alongside a wealth of other academic and spor4ng compe44ons, the House system makes our school a happy place to be. Our Team Our experienced team are here to guide and support you every step of the way: Adam Smith: Director of Sixth Form Jane Rudman: Safeguarding & Pastoral Lead Vicky Pennington: Post 16 Development Manager Jonathan Davies: Progress Leader for Year 13 Beth Denton: Progress Leader for Year 12 Andrew Coote: UCAS/Oxbridge Coordinator Aimana Hussain: Sixth Form Administrator & Study Supervisor 10 11 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk
A LEVEL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME Crossley Brothers’ A Level Scholarship Programme The Crossley Brothers’ Scholarship programme is unique to The Crossley Heath School, thanks to the philanthropy of our alumnus David Briggs who sponsors this scholarship programme to give all our students the opportunity to excel. All aspiring students benefit from this programme throughout their two-years with us. Our two-year Crossley Brothers’ Scholarship programme ensures all students can: • Achieve the highest grades in the subjects they study. • Experience visits to a range of outstanding Universi4es and Higher Appren4ceship providers. • Develop outstanding communica4on and leadership skills. • Maximise the number of super curricular ac4vi4es they partake in • Demonstrate in-depth subject specific reading. • Intensely prepare for interviews and entrance exams. • Benefit from mentoring, including personal statement support. We have established experiences in partnership with leading universi0es and na0onal academic organisa0ons to create our Crossley Brothers’ Excellence Charter which involves: • Undertaking the Extended Project Qualifica4on (EPQ) to develop skills beyond the A Level syllabus to prepare for university. • Oxbridge and Russell Group University visits and residen4al stays set up especially for our school. • Engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to enhance subject knowledge and leadership skills. • Prac4ce university entrance exams and subject interviews. • Super Curricular opportuni4es to develop subject-specific understanding through exposure to knowledge-enhancing books, published research ar4cles, par4cipa4on in debates, taster lectures and academic compe44ons. On conclusion of this Scholarship Programme any student gradua4ng to one of our iden4fied postSixth Form des4na4ons of excellence: • Oxbridge or A* offer entry standard universi es • Appren ceships to mul -na onal companies • Ivy League Universi es will be in line to earn a Crossley Brothers Scholarship as part of which they are awarded a bursary to support their studies during their university journey. 12 13 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk
field trip in Year 12 is an essen4al part of the course and is used to underpin much of the work in Ecology. Popular degree courses taken by students who have an A-level in Biology include Medicine, Den4stry and Pharmacology as well as Biology itself. Studying A-level Biology can lead to a whole range of career op4ons including roles as a doctor, gene4cist, conserva4on officer or research scien4st. As well as enabling our students to achieve outstanding grades, the Biology Department will also offer you lots of opportuni4es to boost your transferable skills, such as mentoring younger students, compe44ons, Medical Society leadership and much more. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in Biology (or grade 77 in Double Science). Business A-Level is suitable for students who want to look specifically at how businesses seek to operate and thrive in the face of rapidly changing markets and economic condi4ons. The course explores how business leaders make informed choices and develop strategies to meet consumer tastes and preferences within their markets in the UK and overseas. In Year One, students are introduced to the concept of marke4ng and consider how firms raise finance and manage their resources effec4vely. They also consider the role of leadership and the impact of compe44on alongside an apprecia4on of economic developments. In Year Two, students explore the importance of strategic planning, decision making and managing change alongside considera4on of developments in global markets. Entry requirements: A grade 5 in Mathema4cs and English Language. No prior study of Business Studies is necessary. At Crossley Heath we study the OCR Advanced Chemistry Specifica4on A (H432). The course is made up of six modules: Development of Prac4cal Skills in Chemistry; Founda4ons in Chemistry; Periodic Table and Energy; Core Organic Chemistry and Analysis; Physical Chemistry and Transi4on Elements and Organic Chemistry and Analysis. The course includes a lot of prac4cal work, to prepare students thoroughly for the assessment of the separate Prac4cal Endorsement qualifica4on, which is internally assessed throughout the two years. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in Chemistry (or grade 77 in Double Science) plus a grade 6 in Maths. Computer Science develops your ability to solve problems and to think logically. We follow the OCR specifica4on (course code: H446). The course has two elements in Year 12. The first is the theory of compu4ng, including how computers work and how we communicate using computers. The second element is concerned with problem solving and algorithm design. Techniques to solve problems will be taught together with developing your programming skills. During Year 13 the course will look further into compu4ng theory. Addi4onally, students have the chance to work on a project of their choice. Previous examples have included designing computer games, building an online shop and a hotel booking system. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in Computer Science (if studied) and a grade 6 in Maths. Economics is suitable for students who want to explore ways in which daily choices made by individuals, businesses and na4onal governments influence our lives. In Year One, students will be introduced to the nature of economics, how markets work and why they fail, consumer choices and the role of businesses/enterprise in the economy. The role of banks, the financial sector and aspects of life in a global economy are also considered. In Year Two, students explore more broadly the impact of globalisa4on on consumers, firms and the labour market. In addi4on, the role of the government in the economy is considered, alongside the causes and legacy of the Global Financial Crisis. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in Maths and a grade 5 in English. Do women and men speak differently? How is language used to create a sense of solidarity or aliena4on? How do children learn to speak, read and write? These are just some of the language ques4ons you will explore whilst studying AQA English Language A-Level. You will also become familiar with a range of linguis4c frameworks in order to aid the analysis of a range of texts and case studies. Group work, presenta4ons, essay wri4ng and gramma4cal understanding are key elements of the course. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in GCSE English Language. Digital copywriter, editorial assistant, teacher, lexicographer, journalist, copy editor, publisher, proof-reader, web content manager, writer...that’s what you can do with English. If you love nothing be5er than curling up with a good book, then this is the course for you, covering a variety of literary forms, including prose, drama and poetry. This is an opportunity to further crucial skills such as analysis and evalua4on, alongside developing insight into how the cultural and contextual factors of a text impact upon both writer and reader. This course builds on the skills introduced at GCSE, leading to end of year exams in Year 13 and an extended essay for coursework, allowing both breadth and depth of literary study. Entry requirements: A grade 6 in GCSE English Literature. Fine Art, Photography, Tex0le Design, Graphic Communica0on Under the umbrella of 'Visual Arts', students will be able to follow one of the four specialisms that we currently offer (Fine Art, Photography, Tex4le Design or Graphic Communica4on). Each endorsement will develop on the founda4ons learned at GCSE level but will require students to delve deeper into the subject at a more advanced level and standard. Although the four endorsements are different qualifica4ons, they will be taught together by our specialist teaching team. In addi4on, all Visual Arts students will be taught about the History of Art in order to help develop a deeper apprecia4on and understanding of the context of the subject and how it has developed over the centuries. Choosing to follow one of the Visual Arts endorsements at ALevel will fully prepare students to progress onto a Founda4on course at FE or alterna4vely a specialist degree course at university. Entry requirements: A grade 5 or above in GCSE Art and Design (preferably in the chosen endorsement, though this is not compulsory) or through a por3olio of work which demonstrates the required skills for this level of study. The science of Biology connects us all; it underpins our very existence and advances in new technologies such as cloning and recombinant DNA have made this discipline more exci4ng than ever. At Crossley Heath we study the AQA Advanced Biology Specifica4on. We have a highly experienced and suppor4ve teaching team, commi5ed to providing students with the best possible learning experience. Biology, like all sciences, is a prac4cal subject and lessons will reflect this. A residen4al VISUAL ARTS BIOLOGY BUSINESS COMPUTER SCIENCE ECONOMICS ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHEMISTRY 14 15 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk COURSE LISTINGS ENGLISH LITERATURE
16 17 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk Geography is a fantas4c facilitator subject, providing skills recognised for a wider range of future careers or degree programs so even if you are not sure of your career path, Geography will provide you with a host of employable skills. In Geography you will examine both the physical and human environments, and the complex interac4on of processes that shape our world. The subject explores how human interven4on affects the environment and how people adapt and mi4gate the effects of changes on their environment. Geography is dynamic, and you will inves4gate how aspects of change can vary from place to place depending on people’s resources, technology and culture. Driven by discussion and extended research, Geography will help you become an independent thinker, which is a key requirement for any employer. The course will also include a variety of field work opportuni4es including residen4al and day trips, and will be assessed through two examina4ons and a wri5en inves4ga4on of your choice. Our 5-day residen4al trip to the Isle of Arran provides A Level students with the chance to prac4se essen4al fieldwork skills, directly suppor4ng their NEA by conduc4ng real-world geographical inves4ga4ons in one of Scotland’s most breath-taking se6ngs. Entry requirements: A grade 5 in GCSE Geography. The A-Level History course consists of the following units: Component 1: Breadth Study -The Quest for Poli4cal Stability: Germany, 1871– 1991. Empire to Democracy, 1871–1929; The Impact Of Nazism, War and Division 1929–1991. Component 2: Depth Study - Wars and Welfare: Britain in Transi4on, 1906–1957 - Society in Crisis, 1906–1929 and The Emergence of the Affluent Society 1929– 1957. Component 3: Non Examined Unit (NEA) – Tudors 1485-1603. This unit is the coursework element which is completed under teacher supervision and marked internally. It requires the student to carry out independent research and develop a convincing and well-argued judgement. Entry requirements A grade 5 in GCSE History. We follow the Edexcel specifica4on. A typical lesson will involve some tradi4onal teaching, group work and discussion, looking at ques4ons, applica4ons of core maths concepts and real-life problem solving. Maths students have four and a half hours of lessons per week, whilst those studying Further Maths will have an addi4onal four hours of lessons per week. Throughout the course students are encouraged to think logically, prac4cally and analy4cally, developing skills which are useful across all kinds of disciplines and careers. A-level Mathema4cs and Further Mathema4cs is a good choice for students considering higher educa4on in any science or maths-based course, ranging from computer science, biochemical sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences and psychology to sta4s4cs, economics, accountancy, management and actuarial science. Entry requirements A grade 6 or above in GCSE Mathema4cs. To take Further Mathema4cs, students require a grade 8 in GCSE Mathema4cs. Students study a range of topics from two themes: Social Issues and Trends and Poli4cal, Intellectual and Ar4s4c Culture. Issues range from The Digital World to Cultural Life and from Mul4culturalism to Poli4cs. Students also study a novel and a film and conduct an individual research project. There is an emphasis on grammar throughout. Teachers are experienced subjectspecialists who use a variety of authen4c and up-to-date resources. There is an emphasis on discussion, reading, deba4ng, vocabulary building, listening, transla4on, grammar and essay wri4ng. There are three papers at the end of Year 13: a listening, reading and transla4on paper, a wri4ng paper including an essay on the set text and film and a speaking examina4on. Entry requirements A grade 6 in the relevant language at GCSE. GEOGRAPHY HISTORY MATHS & FURTHER MATHS FRENCH & GERMAN
A-level Music covers three areas of study: the Western Classical Tradi4on, Rock and Pop or Musical Theatre or Jazz, and Into the 20th Century or Into the 21st Century. Lessons will involve class work with prac4cal ac4vi4es where appropriate. There will be opportuni4es for students to work together, and also to complete long-term coursework projects. The course is split into three areas – performing, composing and appraising. Students can choose to specialise in performing or composing which will change the weigh4ng of these two components of the course, which are both externally assessed. Appraising consists of an end of course exam with ques4ons on the areas of study. Music Alevel is an excellent prepara4on for progression to any musical HE route and is also an excellent complementary subject for scien4fic or humanity subjects. It equips students with a broad range of skills that universi4es and employers value highly. Entry requirements A grade 6 in Music or Grade 5 Theory/Instrumental. This course is suited to students who have academic ability, an interest in sport and an interest in improving their own performance. In the theore4cal modules students will consider the science, psychology and sociology of sport. Students should therefore have an interest in studying these areas with regard to their impact on spor4ng performance. For the prac4cal modules students will need to be a good sports performer but just as importantly should be willing to work on improving their performance. Students should be playing at least one sport outside of school and they should be involved with a club or team. Lessons cover anatomy and physiology, skill acquisi4on/psychology, and sociocultural studies. Students will be taught using a variety of classroom based ac4vi4es and the course will include prac4cal group work and independent learning. Entry requirements A grade 5 in PE plus grade 5 in Biology (or 55 in Combined Science). Our A-Level Physics course is for all those who are inquisi4ve, enjoy problem solving and are fascinated by our amazing universe. For the budding physicists of course, the prospec4ve engineers out there, those interested in the environment, and even those with ambi4on for the finance sector - this course is for you. We follow the Edexcel specifica4on. In Year 12 the course includes the study of mechanics, materials, waves, electricity and the wave/par4cle nature of light. The Year 13 course includes the study of further mechanics (momentum and circular mo4on), electric and magne4c fields, par4cle physics, thermal energy, nuclear decay, oscilla4ons, astrophysics and cosmology. Entry requirements A grade 6 in Physics (or grade 77 in Double Science) plus a grade 6 in Maths. Due to the demanding nature and high mathema4cal content of this course, it is strongly recommended that students also study A level Maths. MUSIC PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICS 19 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk 18
We are offering Product Design at A-Level for students of both GCSE DT and GCSE Engineering. The knowledge and skills acquired through the study of a Design Technology based A-Level form a solid founda4on not only for taking the subject further but also for employment in the scien4fic, technological and crea4ve professions. It also facilitates prac4cal applica4on of maths and science, s4mulates crea4vity and innova4on and reflects up-to-date prac4ce in many areas of modern life such as sustainability and emerging technologies. There are two dis4nct A2 exams at the end of Year 13. The final assessment is 50% coursework and 50% examina4on. Entry requirements A grade 5 GCSE in a relevant Design Technology subject or Engineering, plus a grade 6 in Maths. Psychology is one of our most popular A-Level courses. In Year 12 students explore how memory works and apply this to real life cases. They look at a range of studies and how they relate to topics such as abnormality, stress, a5achment and conformity. Students will carry out their own studies in school and a trip to a zoo will allow a range of behaviours to be observed and analysed. In Year 13, students deepen their understanding of different topics including aggression, gender and schizophrenia. They develop effec4ve evalua4ve skills and learn how to apply issues and debates across the topics. The course involves discussion, group work and requires engagement from students. It is exam-based with three exam papers at the end of the two year course. Entry requirements A grade 5 in Maths and English Language. Religious Studies A level provides a coherent and thought-provoking program of study. Students develop their understanding and apprecia4on of religious beliefs and teachings, as well as the disciplines of ethics and the philosophy of religion, the main religion studied being Islam. The wide-ranging skills and knowledge the course provides allows students to move on to a host of further studies and career paths. Areas of work that some students have gone into in the past include law, teaching, journalism, policing and social work. Entry requirements A grade 5 in English Language. It is not necessary to have a GCSE in RS. Sociology is the scien4fic study of society and human behaviour. At Crossley Heath we follow the AQA Specifica4on for A level. The course covers key sociological theories and research methods, with topics in Year 12 focusing on the educa4on system, families and households. Students look at the structure and evolu4on of families, including what sociologists say about the posi4on of families within society. In Year 13, students examine belief systems including religion, and study its influence on society and secularisa4on. A further major topic is crime and deviance, alongside the police and criminal jus4ce system. By the end of the course, students will develop analy4cal and evalua4ve skills that are crucial for university level study; they will also have an awareness of social injus4ces and evolve a greater empathy for those around them. Entry requirements A grade 5 in English Language. PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY RELIGIOUS STUDIES PRODUCT DESIGN 20 21 www.crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk
How to Apply The link to our applica4on form is online on our school website. Applica4ons must be submi5ed by the closing date of Friday 20 December 2024. Please note that we reserve the right to withdraw or alter our curriculum offer depending on student demand. Academic Entry Requirements • GCSE Maths and English Language at Grade 5 or above. • Specific subject requirements as specified in the prospectus. • Full course, Level 2 qualifica4ons (including applied GCSEs and BTECs), whatever the size, will count as one GCSE. • ICT OCR Na4onal Level 2 will count as one GCSE. Our Partners Crossley Heath is part of the Calderdale C6 group, a collabora4ve approach to Post 16 learning. By partnering with other schools and colleges we can offer students further choice and broaden our curriculum offer. Under the C6 partnership, our students are able to study A level Poli4cs at Brighouse Sixth Form whilst s4ll belonging to Crossley Heath as their ‘home’ school. APPLY & ENTRY REQUIREMENTS How to 22 www.crossleyheath.org.uk
Tel: 01422 360272 Email: admin@crossleyheath.org.uk www.crossleyheath.org.uk M [ N CHS Sixth Form “Working with sixth form students is an absolute pleasure as every day they bring their energy, humour and enthusiasm. Our students care for each other and all make their own contribu ons to our happy vibrant community. It is a genuine privilege to watch them develop academically and personally as they grow into independent, confident and capable adults.” Adam Smith, Director of Sixth Form