Attendance Guidance

In accordance with 2006 Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Therefore, parents are advised to assume that any absence will be considered to be unauthorised unless there is a valid reason otherwise. All periods of absence, whether subsequently authorised or unauthorised should be notified to the school in writing or by email. Our  policy aims to show our commitment to meeting our obligations with regards to school attendance, including those laid out in the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) statutory guidance on working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024), through our whole-school culture and ethos that values good attendance, including:  

  • Setting high expectations for the attendance and punctuality of all pupils  
  • Promoting good attendance and the benefits of good attendance  
  • Reducing absence, including persistent and severe absence  
  • Ensuring every pupil has access to the full-time education to which they are entitled  
  • Acting early to address patterns of absence  
  • Building strong relationships with families to make sure pupils have the support in place to attend school  
  • Promoting and supporting punctuality in attending lessons. 

Parents are expected to:  

  • Make sure their child attends every day on time   
  • Call the school on 01422 360 272 to report their child’s absence before 8:30 am on the day of the absence and each subsequent day of absence), and advise when they are expected to return.  This is to be done on every day of a child’s absence  
  • Provide the school with more than 1 emergency contact number for their child  
  • Ensure that, where possible, appointments for their child are made outside of the school day  
  • Keep to any attendance contracts that they make with the school and/or local authority  
  • Seek support, where necessary, for maintaining good attendance, by contacting Claire Heaton on as soon as attendance becomes a concern.   
  • Ensure that all intervention such as video calls, home visits and meetings are fully engaged with.   
  • To not book holidays in term time or periods of absence without the authorisation of the Head Teacher  


 All Pupils are expected to:  

  • Attend school every day, on time  
  • Attend every timetabled session, on time

Holidays in Term Time – Information for Parents 

Please consult the Attendance Policy. 

Penalty Notices
If your child is absent from school for 3 days or more (or when individual periods of absence reach 3 days) on a family holiday without authorisation, the school may make a referral to Calderdale LA for the issue of a Penalty Notice. This is a fine of £60 which, if not paid within 21 days, rises to £120. If you are issued with a Penalty Notice and you fail to pay it within 28 days you will be prosecuted in court. 

What parents can do:
You should avoid if at all possible making a request for a family holiday during term-time. You should especially avoid requesting leave: 

  • Close to or during examinations/tests 
  • When important work/activity which cannot be repeated is taking place 
  • During the first week of term or when your child is transferring from one phase to another 
  • During the first year in a new school 

If this proves to be absolutely unavoidable you should make your request as early as possible before the time of the holiday, but you should not expect the school to grant your request for leave unless the circumstances are exceptional. If school does agree to the request you must ask you child to speak to his/her subject teachers with regard to any work he/she will need to catch up on. It is important to remember that by taking your child out of school during term-time you may be giving him/her and unspoken message that school is not important. 

Examples of authorised absence 

  • Religious observation days. If they fall within term time.  
  • Wedding of an immediate family member 
  • Sickness 
  • Hospital/medical appointments – these must be supported by production of an appointment card/letter 
  • Visits to University either to attend an open day or for interview, or a career related interview with prior approval from the Assistant Head (Post 16) and subject staff 
  • Attendance at courses / events organised by school / college / other providers 
  • Work experience placement which is an integral part of a course and for which the student does not receive a wage 
  • Bereavement leave 
  • Severe disruption to a student’s mode of transport, for example a breakdown in public transport 
  • Driving test and written exam with evidence 

Examples of unauthorised absence 

  • Family holidays in term time 
  • Extended religious observations 
  • Visiting unwell family members.  
  • Leisure activities 
  • Birthdays or similar celebrations 
  • Babysitting for younger siblings 
  • Part or full time work which is not part of the student’s programme of study 
  • Driving lessons 
  • Hair and beauty appointments