
Department of MFL – French

Choose to study French and build on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained at GCSE in listening, speaking, reading and writing, with a focus on the grammatical system and structures of French language, culture and society. Students learn about the mechanics of the language (grammar, syntax and structure), whilst, at the same time, developing their ideas about different social issues and improving general cultural awareness of France and the French-speaking world.

We aim to bring the language to life, basing the study topics around issues related to lifestyle and society which students should find interesting and engaging. The ability to speak a foreign language is not only an asset in terms of demonstrating communication skills, but it will also give broader employment options and can help students on a wide variety of career pathways. Students will study texts and films in addition to developing research skills in preparation for an individual research project to support the speaking assessment.

❝You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.❞

‒Geoffrey Willans

What will I study?

Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends/issues
The changing nature of family (La famille en voie de changement), the ‘cyber-society’ (La « cyber-société ») and the place of voluntary work (Le rôle du bénévolat).
Positive features of a diverse society (Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse), life for the marginalised (Quelle vie pour les marginalisés ?) and how criminals are treated (Comment on traite les criminels).
Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
A culture proud of its heritage (Une culture fière de son patrimoine), contemporary Francophone music (La musique francophone contemporaine), Cinema: the 7th art form (Cinéma: le septième art).
Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
Teenagers, the right to vote and political commitment (Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique), demonstrations,
strikes – who holds the power? (Manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?) and politics and immigration (La politique et l’immigration).

❝One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.❞
‒Frank Smith

Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing, assessing various aspects of French-speaking society and grammar.
Paper 2: Writing, assessing one text and one film or two texts from the list set in the specification.Paper 3: Speaking, assessing individual research project on one of four sub-themes.

Examination Board: AQA
Assessment: Examination 70% and 1 speaking test 30%