The school will only lock down on a tangible threat and/or advice instruction from the police or other recognised organisation. Lockdown will be used as a safety precaution, i.e. there could be a stray animal, severe weather conditions or a pollution leak in the immediate area.
The lockdown procedures have been shared with your child/ren and it is important that you reassure them that they need to follow the instructions of staff in the event that the school should implement one. It is important that they do not use their mobile phones to contact home as we would not wish to cause any undue worry.
If a lockdown occurs you will receive a message at our earliest opportunity but this does not mean that there is any immediate threat. The safety of your children and staff is our first priority and, therefore, we will communicate as soon as it is safe to do so.
Parents are requested not to come to the school, as students will not be released to parents during a lockdown. Parents are also asked not to call the school and instead to check the school website for updates and information.
Parents should not expect their child to call them, nor should they call student mobiles, as the lock-down situation requires silence. If your child’s stay at school is extended beyond the regular time, you will receive information about the time and place that you can pick up your child.