How We Would Help A Student With A Sensory Impairment

We would discuss with parents and the young person about what their specific needs might be and
what resources/strategies we might put in place to support the student in school. Other
considerations are below:

  • Intervention Input and training from outside agencies such as the visual impairment team
  • Adaptation Adapt the classroom’s environment where possible – for example adjusting
    seating and lighting
  • Teachers Adapt the seating plan to include visual impaired students
  • Resources Where appropriate, teachers & teaching assistants would create additional
    resources to enable greater access to the curriculum
  • Aides Visual timetables would be produced in large print if required
  • Room If a classroom doesn’t meet the requirements of the student then another
    room would be made available wherever possible. Priority would be given to
    ground floor rooms where possible.
  • Activities This is dependent on the actual visual impairment and the needs and wishes
    of the student/parent