Open Evening FAQs for Parents and Students

The following information is designed to help addressing common questions that are often raised at an open evening. We also encourage you to use the school website as there is a wealth of information to access. Please do contact the school if you still cannot find the answers you are looking for.

Where can I buy school uniform?
We have two uniform suppliers. Contact details are listed below. All uniform items can be purchased from these suppliers with the exception of the school tie, which would need to be ordered via ParentPay.

Shaw Hardcastle : 01422 353949 / Link

Bridge Uniform Supplies: 01484655655 / Link

How do I make payments for school meals, school trips and other school items?
Crossley Heath operate a cashless system. Parents/carers will be allocated a personal ID log on for ParentPay. This will enable you to pay for school meals, school ties, trips, music tuition and subject resources such as art supplies. Click here for more general information about ParentPay.

How can we apply for a place on a school bus?
The school buses are operated by private companies. Their contact details and current routes are listed on our website. Please use the following link:

Parents/carers will need to get in touch with the bus companies directly to make the appropriate arrangements for their child.

What support is available if my child is not making friends?
We use various ways to encourage new friendships -Transition Evening and Transition Day (or alternative events should these not go ahead due to Covid-19 restrictions), induction activities, form group activities, team-building day and dedicated time with their form tutor during daily tutorial periods. If a student continues to find making friendships difficult then we would offer an increased level of support through discrete 1:1 meetings with key pastoral staff so that opportunities to develop friendships can be discussed and explored. It can help to get involved in extra-curricular activities too so that children with similar interests spend time together. We understand that some students are less comfortable in engaging in group activities and we look to create the best situations to support an individual.

How do we deal with reports of bullying?
Bullying is an understandable concern, especially for a child who has experienced it before at their primary school. Bullying at Crossley Heath is rare. We take bullying very seriously and any incident is dealt with promptly. Respect and consideration for others is central to our pastoral message. We deliver anti-bullying key messages and student support through our tutorial programme and encourage a “no-bystander“ attitude in school to reduce the potential for bullying to go unnoticed. The care, happiness and well-being of all our students is extremely important to us. For more detail on how we deal with bullying see our Student Behaviour & Support Policy.

My child is worried about getting lost in a big school. How do you help?
Every student is given a map of the school and there are a few tours given as part of transition. This is often a big worry and one which proves unwarranted as students move as a group between lessons whilst our Student Leaders and staff help with guiding new students around the building. Our Y7 students are giving tours to visitors themselves in a matter of months!

What are the expectations around homework?
We have a ‘no-homework’ pledge to Y7 students for the first two weeks of their first term to help them to focus only on the school day and to cope with the demands of transition. Students will be given a homework timetable so they can plan their time outside school. On average there are 2-3 subjects allocated per night but this can at times vary depending on the time of year. There is a time allocation of half an hour per subject for Y7. The LRC is open at lunchtimes and after school for students to study if they wish.

What procedures are in place if my child forgets or loses something?
The students have a school planner which has lots of useful information in it as well as being the best tool for reminders about homework and equipment organisation. Your child’s form tutor will check their planner and help them complete it properly and you are asked to check and sign it weekly (usually at the weekend). Students who lose any of their belongings can visit the lost property area and then should tell a member of staff as soon as they realise so that they can be supported appropriately.

What can students do at lunchtimes?
For the first two weeks of the new school year new students have an early priority lunch so that they become familiar with the systems. There are plenty of staff giving guidance each and every lunchtime to those who may need it.

We encourage our students to get fresh air when the weather allows and make use of the moor area to meet and play with friends. In addition, students are able to walk in appropriate areas of the school grounds. Numerous school clubs run at lunchtimes too and this is a great way to get involved in something that interests them and to make new friends. If there is poor weather during a lunchtime then Year 7 students are allowed to use an indoor venue as their social area.

What extra-curricular clubs are available?
There are a wide range of extra-curricular clubs that provide opportunities for a wide range of student interests. Whether those interests are centred on sports, creative arts, Science, Technologies, strategy games and many more, there is likely to be a club for students to join. We encourage student participation across a range of extra-curricular activities and see this valuable experience in developing character, social and leadership skills.