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Strategy, Vision and Values

School Strategy, Vision and Values

Our vision:

We truly look forward to welcoming students to The Crossley Heath School and championing their success throughout every moment of their time with us. We are a school with a heart and consider our staff, students and their families to be a school family.

Our vision is to be the leading school for educational excellence, where we nurture happy students with strong values, so they all contribute positively to society. The happiness of our students really matters to us. We know that academic achievement will give them the brightest choice of future careers which will allow them to be happiest. Our aspiration is for our students to spread happiness too as positive role models for our values of kindness, courage and excellence. Our students will influence society for the better, leaving our school committed to making the world a better place.

Our values:

Our values are kindness, courage and excellence. Crossley Heath students have the kindest manners, support others in a spirit of philanthropy and are inclusive in welcoming all people into our school family. We stand up courageously for what is right, celebrate the diversity of people from all backgrounds, recognise that the resilience to bounce back from failure is central to success if life and we develop the confidence to help influence the world to become a better place. Excellence is our goal, excelling academically through hard work, giving our all to sports and the arts, seizing every opportunity to shine.

Our purpose:

Unlocking potential; building leaders of the future.

We are a grammar school with the purpose of promoting the highest achievement and most aspirational future destinations for our students. In this way we are an engine for social mobility as we unlock the potential of the most academically able students, regardless of their background, to achieve the highest of goals. Our heritage has blessed us with a truly unique building and a spirit of philanthropy, such that we have a desire to promote the welfare of others through giving our time to support and fundraise for charities helping the most vulnerable in our local community. We are here to develop students with the strength of character, aptitude and positive commitment to sharing happiness as leaders of the future.