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Emotional Fitness & Self-Care

At Crossley Heath we want to support our students to understand how they can build their emotional fitness and resilience, just as they can their physical fitness, through regular activity.  In a busy and, often, uncertain world we can all become tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.  When we have feelings like these we are at increased risk of emotional difficulty and although this is something we all face in life’s journey, sometimes these difficult feelings can persist and develop into more significant wellbeing issues.

Building resilience to help us get through our more difficult times is something we can all achieve through self-care.  Looking after our own emotional fitness through self-care is easily achieved if we take basic, purposeful steps.  Getting enough sleep, eating well, and switching off in your own way are three basic steps towards good self-care.  There are so many more ways we can look after our own emotional fitness.  What works for someone else might not work for you but we can all find something that can help us to feel better during tougher times.

Why not explore our Young Minds link below and learn more about how to take control of building your own emotional fitness through self-care?  It can be a very powerful and positive step for us all to take.

What Is Self-Care? | Self-Care And Mental Health | YoungMinds

If you feel you need direct advice and support from the Wellbeing/Pastoral Teams you can get confidential help by using the blue ‘worried about something?’ button at the bottom of the school website page or come and drop in to see us in B12.