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The Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) is a youth awards programme founded in the United Kingdom in 1956 by Prince Philip, which recognises adolescents and young adults for completing a series of self-improvement exercises. The programmes are at three progressive levels, which, if successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

To achieve an award, the participant must work on each section for a minimum period of time, and must be monitored and assessed by someone with knowledge of the chosen activities. Each progressive level demands more time and commitment from participants:

  • Bronze: 3–6 months
  • Silver: 6–9 months
  • Gold: 12–18 months

Achieving an award will give students skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities. The award allows students to be recognised for doing things you want to do (and may even be doing already). Students make a difference to other people’s lives and their community, will be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last a lifetime. And above all, it is great fun!