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Head Teacher's Welcome

We are so proud of our Sixth Form students. Ensuring they experience educational excellence, are happy, develop strong values and contribute positively to society is the reason we are here. The Calderdale annual school health and wellbeing survey highlighted that our students are the happiest, feel the safest, and have the most positive self-esteem of all schools in our region. Our school and Sixth Form culture begins with building great relationships. Thanks to having a Sixth Form of just 150 students in each year group, every individual student matters. Teachers know our Sixth Formers for the people they are, so can best support their learning and development into strong characters achieving academic excellence.

Every single Sixth Form student benefits from our five promises.

1 - We give every student their own laptop-come-tablet, two-in-one computer for study at school and home whilst they are part of our Crossley Heath School Family.

2 - We ensure every student gets a leading work experience placement matched to their career goals which, thanks to the network of connections our school has built up, has even included placements abroad and led to degree apprenticeships only available to our students.

3 - We run enrichment on Wednesday afternoons for every Sixth Former, allowing us to field great sports teams in football, netball and rugby, alongside voluntary, medical and educational placements only available here. Our overseas enrichment trips are legendary, with international sports tours for male and female students and our annual New York trip.

4 - Thanks to being an 11 to 18 school, all our Sixth Formers benefit from character building leadership opportunities as academic tutors, wellbeing mentors, house captains and sports coaches for younger students.

5 - We run a scholarship programme to ensure all our students are the most competitive when securing leading University and Degree Apprenticeship places. Our funded scholarships for the highest attaining students at GCSE and A-Level are becoming well known, however we have also built the most effective two-year programme of super-curricular experiences that ensures our students out-compete others in the quest for places in the best post-18 destinations.

Our mission is to unlock potential and build leaders of the future.

I do hope this prospectus gives you a wealth of information about our rich and vibrant life at Crossley Heath and look forward to welcoming you to the Crossley Heath family.

Dean Jones, Head Teacher