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Transition to Year 7

We are delighted to welcome all of our new students and their parents and carers to Crossley Heath School as we embark on our transition journey together.  Many congratulations on gaining your place here with us.  We are looking forward to meeting you all.

The start of a new school term is always exciting and, a little daunting at the same time.  When that new term involves the transition to “big school”, children and their supporting adults are likely to have a heighted level of those emotions.  We aim to support you all to feel more confident, excited and less anxious and about starting with us in September.

We hope you will find the information available in this section of our website useful in preparing for secondary school.  We will be adding new information and content as we progress through our transition journey.  We encourage you to revisit the website at regular intervals between now and the end of the summer term.  In addition, parents and carers will be notified of essential information and key face to face events, through our digital transition newsletters and a posted parent pack.

Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to provide our Pastoral Team with information about their child so that we can learn more about each individual in advance of September.  If you have any questions at this early stage, please feel free to contact our Year 7 Progress Leader Mr Spencer /

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