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  • German

    Here at The Crossley Heath School, we really value languages and language learning. German is taught from Yr7 through to Yr13; however, it is compulsory for students to continue to learn at least one Modern Foreign Language at Key Stage 4 with German being one of those on offer. German is spoken by over 130 million speakers and, due to the size and importance of its economy, is one of the most commonly used languages in business. At a time of considerable political change in Europe and against the back-drop of a national decline in language learners, we give every single Crossley Heath student the chance to learn a foreign language and to recognise the wide-ranging benefits which learning a foreign language brings.

    Language learning significantly enhances communication skills. We promote pair and group work and develop in our students the ability to express themselves clearly and listen to others. We aim to build the confidence in our students so that they feel happy to converse with native speakers when on foreign visits or holidays. Students are also encouraged to work independently and use their initiative to solve problems by making connections German and English. Therefore, through learning the German language, students also have an improved understanding of English.

    Through our study of topics such as Festivals and Traditions, we foster an understanding of different cultures and an appreciation and tolerance of difference. We require students to take risks and to work outside of their comfort zone, for example by talking to our foreign intern students, by taking part in our foreign language talent show or by participating in our highly successful exchange programme.

    These skills are valued by universities and employers. Languages are used and can be helpful in lots of different jobs not only translation, interpreting or teaching. In fact, many employers reward people with language skills with extra salary because they know they are essential in today’s international business world. Therefore, we aim to dispel the myth that English is enough.

    Grammar is taught explicitly from the start of Year 7, as our objective is to ensure that students can use the language accurately but also manipulate it creatively. Lessons are engaging and are taught by highly-skilled and enthusiastic subject specialists who are passionate about languages. Teachers use a range of activities including games, songs and languages websites to suit different abilities and learning styles. Lessons are conducted in German and students are expected to communicate with each other and their teachers in the language. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are practised as well as translation skills and, later, the ability to paraphrase and summarise. Students enjoy learning German at The Crossley Heath School, succeed highly in their exams and value the opportunities these subjects provide.

    German at Key Stage 3

      Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
    Year 7 Introduction to Germany and German
    Greetings and say name
    Numbers and say age
    Countries and say where you live
    Classroom phrases
    Favourite things
    Your possessions Likes and dislikes
    Genders and articles
    Present tense verb endings (regular verbs)
    Present tense of verbs ‘sein’ and ‘haben’
    Possessive adjectives
    Question words
    Family members
    Larger numbers
    Descriptions of family members
    Months and birthdates
    Sports Hobbies
    Online activities
    Plurals of nouns
    Modal verb ‘können’ Adjective endings
    Adverbs ‘gern’ and ‘nicht gern’
    Irregular verbs
    Word order – verb inversion
    School in Germany
    School subjects
    Days of the week
    Telling the time
    Describing teachers
    Describing the classroom
    Give opinions
    Describe your school
    Say what you can eat in the canteen
    Verb second idea Possessive pronouns
    Prepositions and the dative case
    Modal verb ‘dürfen’
    Year 8 Talk about what you did on holiday
    Ask questions relating to holidays
    Form the perfect tense with ‘haben’ and ‘sein’
    Dative case with ‘mit’
    Word order – ‘TMP’
    Give opinions on types of TV programmes, films, books.
    Ask questions about the past
    Modal verbs
    Talk about breakfast and traditional
    German food
    Understand recipes
    Healthy lifestyles
    Describe dinner parties
    Understand rules in a youth hostel
    Daily routine
    Places in the town and directions
    Traditional festivals in German-speaking countries
    Dative and accusative
    Imperative Future Tense
    Adjectival endings
    Reflexive and separable verbs
      Project 1 (Term 1) Project 2 (Term 1 & 2) Project 3 (Term 2) Project 4 (Term 2 & 3)
    Year 9 Role Models
    Create a presentation on a German-speaking role model. Present, Perfect and Future tenses
    Create a time capsule of your ambitions.
    Conditional tense Um…zu clauses
    Write a storybook for a child.
    Imperfect tense (+als)
    Create a tourist brochure for a German-speaking country.
    Subordinating conjunctions
    Modal verbs
    Comparative and superlative
    Word order


    GCSE curriculum

    Legacy - Until 2025

    Our objective for GCSE is to enable students of all abilities to develop their German language skills to their full potential, equipping them with the knowledge to communicate in a variety of contexts with confidence.

    We firmly believe in the benefits that learning a language can bring; it is a skill for life and something students should enjoy and find rewarding.

    The course covers three distinct themes. These themes apply to all four question papers.

    Students are expected to understand and provide information and opinions about these themes relating to their own experiences and those of other people, including people in countries/communities where German is spoken. Students are also taught grammatical skills throughout the course to enable them to communicate clearly.

    Theme 1: Identity and culture

    Topic 1: Me, my family and friends
    • Relationships with family and friends
    • Marriage/partnership

    Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
    • Social media
    • Mobile technology

    Topic 3: Free-time activities
    • Music
    • Cinema and TV
    • Food and eating out
    • Sport

    Topic 4: Customs and festivals in German-speaking countries/communities

    Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

    Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region

    Topic 2: Social issues

    • Charity/voluntary work
    • Healthy/unhealthy living

    Topic 3: Global issues

    • The environment
    • Poverty/homelessness

    Topic 4: Travel and tourism

    Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

    Topic 1: My studies

    Topic 2: Life at school/college

    Topic 3: Education post-16

    Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions


    GCSE French/German has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.

    Paper 1: Listening (25% of GCSE)
    Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language. Questions in English and French/German

    35 minutes (Foundation Tier),

    45 minutes (Higher Tier)

    Paper 2: Speaking (25% of GCSE)
    Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes. The test comprises 3 tasks: Role-play, Photo card, General conversation

    7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time

    10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time

    Paper 3: Reading (25% of GCSE)
    Understanding and responding to different types of written language. Questions in English, questions in French/German, a translation from French/German into English

    45 minutes (Foundation Tier),

    1 hour (Higher Tier)

    Paper 4: Writing (25% of GCSE)
    Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes

    1 hour (Foundation Tier),

    1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier)

    Foundation Tier

    Question 1 – write a message in French/German

    Question 2 – write a short passage in French/German

    Question 3 – translation from English into French/German

    Question 4 – structured 90 word writing task in French/German

    Higher Tier

    Question 1 – structured 90 word writing task in French/German

    Question 2 – open-ended 150 word writing task in French/German

    Question 3 – translation from English into French/German

    Examinations After 2026

    The Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in German allows students to develop their ability to communicate in German in both speech and writing. They will study language within a variety of thematic contexts relevant to their age and interests and will develop a greater awareness of the culture of German-speaking communities and countries.

    Students will need to develop and use their knowledge and understanding of German vocabulary and grammar progressively through their course of study.

    Subject aims

    The aims of this qualification are to:

    •  provide a coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study.
    •  develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, German and to recognise the
    • importance of languages.
    • provide a strong linguistic and cultural foundation for students who go on to study languages at a higher level post-16.
    • develop students’ ability and ambition to communicate independently in speech andnwriting with speakers of the language for authentic purposes.
    • develop students’ ability to communicate independently about subjects that are meaningful and interesting to them
    • build students’ confidence and broaden their horizons, enabling them to step beyond familiar cultural boundaries, develop new ways of seeing the world, and better understand relationships between the foreign language and the English language.
    • enable students to become familiar with aspects of the contexts and cultures of the countries and communities where the language is spoken.

    Thematic contexts

    The vocabulary in this qualification enables students to communicate across a range of engaging and relatable thematic contexts, which are relevant to their current and future needs.

    We asked students and teachers about the subjects that were meaningful and interesting to them, and selected the following six broad thematic contexts to provide a focus for the teaching and learning of the vocabulary and grammar listed:

    • My personal world
    • Lifestyle and wellbeing
    • My neighbourhood
    • Media and technology
    • Studying and my future
    • Travel and tourism

    Qualification at a glance

    The qualification consists of:

    • three externally-examined papers assessing separately listening, reading and writing
    • one speaking assessment set by Pearson and conducted by a teacher.

    All assessments are marked by Pearson.

    The focus for the content of questions and tasks will be drawn from the listed thematic contexts (see Thematic contexts section on pages 11-13).

    Each paper is available at Foundation or Higher tier. Students must be entered for a single tier across all papers.

    Paper 1: Speaking in German (*Paper code: 1GN1/1F and 1H)

    Internally conducted and externally assessed:

    Foundation tier: 7-9 minutes plus 15 minutes’ preparation time; 50 marks

    Higher tier: 10-12 minutes plus 15 minutes’ preparation time; 50 marks

    25% of the qualification

    Students are assessed on their ability to speak using clear and comprehensible language for a range of audiences and purposes, in different contexts, which are relevant to their current and future needs and interests. There are three consecutive tasks:

    Task 1: Read aloud (12 marks)

    Read aloud a short text and undertake a short, unprepared interaction relating to the text. In the read aloud task itself students will be assessed on their pronunciation and in the short interaction that follows students will be assessed on their communication. The task card will be allocated by Pearson.

    Task 2: Role play (10 marks)

    Undertake a transactional role play, in a setting taken from the defined list on page 20.

    The task card will be allocated by Pearson.

    Task 3: Picture task (12 marks) with conversation (16 marks)

    Students select their thematic context for Task 3 in advance of the assessment. Students select one option from a choice of two of the six thematic contexts. The two options will be randomly generated by Pearson. The task card will be allocated by Pearson.

    Describe a picture stimulus, related to the selected thematic context. Students have a choice of two pictures on the stimulus card. Answer two compulsory questions related to the subject matter of the picture, then move on to a short unprepared conversation developed from the same thematic context.

    Paper 2: Listening and understanding in German (*Paper code: 1GN1/2F and 2H)

    Written examination:

    Foundation tier: 45 minutes, including 5 minutes’ reading time, 50 marks

    Higher tier: 60 minutes, including 5 minutes’ reading time, 50 marks

    25% of the qualification

    Students are assessed on their understanding of standard spoken German by one or more speakers, across a range of formal and informal contexts, and in familiar and unfamiliar settings.

    Section A: Listening (40 marks)

    Students respond to multiple-choice, multiple-response and short-answer open response questions.

    All questions are set in English and students produce all responses in English.

    Section B: Dictation (10 marks)

    Students are assessed on their ability to transcribe spoken German into written German.

    They will be rewarded for their accuracy of spelling based on their knowledge and understanding of the sound symbol correspondences (SSCs) listed in the specification in

    Paper 3: Reading and understanding in German (*Paper code: 1GN1/3F and 3H)

    Written examination:

    Foundation tier: 45 minutes, 50 marks

    Higher tier: 60 minutes, 50 marks

    25% of the qualification

    Students are assessed on their understanding of written German across a range of formal and informal contexts, and in familiar and unfamiliar settings.

    Section A: Reading and Understanding (40 marks)

    Students respond to multiple-choice, multiple-response and short-answer open response questions based on these texts.

    All questions are set in English and students produce all responses in English.

    Section B: Translation into English (10 marks)

    Students translate a passage from German into English, with instructions in English.

    Paper 4: Writing in German (*Paper code: 1GN1/4F and 4H)

    Written examination:

    Foundation tier: 1 hour 15 minutes; 50 marks.

    Higher tier: 1 hour 20 minutes; 50 marks.

    25% of the qualification

    Students are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively through writing in German for different purposes and audiences. Students are required to produce responses of varying lengths and types to express ideas and opinions in German. The instructions to students are in English.

    Foundation Tier

    • Question 1: picture-based task (8 marks)
    • Question 2: one of two open-response questions, set in formal context (14 marks)
    • Question 3: one of two open-response questions, set in informal context (18 marks)
    • Question 4: translation into German (10 marks)

    Higher Tier

    • Question 1: one of two open-response questions, set in informal context (18 marks)
    • Question 2: one of two open-response questions, set in formal context (22 marks)
    • Question 3: translation into German (10 marks)

    A recommended word count is specified for each open-response question.

    A-level curriculum

    Studying German at A-level enables students to develop their linguistic skills alongside their understanding of the culture and society of the countries where German is spoken. Students study technological and social change, looking at the multicultural nature of German-speaking society. They will study highlights of German-speaking artistic culture, including art and architecture and will learn how Germany’s political landscape was formed. Students will explore the influence of the past on present-day German-speaking communities. Throughout their studies, they will learn the language in the context of German-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Students will study texts and film and will have the opportunity to carry out independent research on an area of their choice.

    Assessment tasks will be varied and cover listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

    The course consists of 2 main topic areas: Social issues and trends + Political and Artistic Culture.

    A-level students will study the grammatical system and structures of the language during their course. They also study one novel and one film.

    Topic Area 1: Social issues and trends

    Aspects of German-speaking society

    • The changing state of the family (Familie im Wandel)

    • The digital world (Die digitale Welt)

    • Youth culture: fashion and trends, music, television (Jugendkultur: Mode, Musik und Fernsehen)

    Multiculturalism in German-speaking society

    • Immigration (Einwanderung)

    • Integration (Integration)

    • Racism (Rassismus)

    Topic Area 2: Political and artistic culture

    Artistic culture in the German-speaking world

    • Festivals and traditions (Feste und Traditionen)

    • Art and architecture (Kunst und Architektur)

    • Cultural life in Berlin, past and present (Das Berliner Kulturleben damals und heute)

    Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world

    • Germany and the European Union (Deutschland und die Europaïsche Union)

    • Politics and youth (Die Politik und die Jugend)

    • German re-unification and its consequences (Die Wiedervereinigung und ihre Folgen)

    Literary texts and films

    Students study one novel (Der Vorleser) and one film (Good Bye Lenin!)


    Paper 1

    This examines the topic work (Social issues and trends + Political and Artistic Culture).

    Listening exam, Reading exam, Translation into English, Translation into German

    • Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

    • 50 % of A-level

    Paper 2

    This examines the study of the novel and the film. Students write 2 essay of approximately 300 words each in German on the book and the film

    • Written exam: 2 hours

    • 20 % of A-level

    Paper 3: Speaking

    Speaking exam:

    i) Discussion of a sub-theme with the discussion based on a stimulus card

    ii) Presentation and discussion of individual research project

    • 30 % of A-level (conducted by the teacher)

    The enriched curriculum

    Teaching and learning is underpinned by a range of extra-curricular activities and experiences for students across Years 7-11:

    • Year 10 German exchange trip to Aachen.
    • Year 12 Berlin trip.
    • Y12/13 trip to Manchester Christmas markets.
    • Study Days for German A-Level at universities.
    • Speaking and listening practice with native speakers (intern students) from Paderborn University.
    • Opportunity to volunteer to run The Language Café and demonstrate resources on Open Evening (11+ and sixth-form).
    • Calderdale Linguafest – a talent competition for Years 7 and 8 launched in June 2019.
    • Linguascope online resource for KS3-4 – a fun resource for practising and enhancing vocabulary and listening.
    • Pearson Active Learn – online resource to accompany the KS3 text books to enable students to practise the skills, vocab and grammar in each topic.
    • Kerboodle – digital text books and online resources for KS4 and KS5.
    • Quizlet – online vocabulary learning