CEIAG Guidance at Crossley Heath
The Careers Programme at Crossley follows the statutory guidance issued by The Department for Education. A comprehensive programme of careers guidance is delivered in partnership with C & K Careers, local employers and other education and training providers as well as the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (the LEP).
Careers Information
Information on the full range of options available in education, training and work, and the progression opportunities that follow those options will be provided. Careers information can be provided through a range of media including: books, leaflets and posters; software, websites; social media, information talks from colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and employers; visits to colleges, universities, training providers and businesses. For more detailed information, click here.
Careers Advice and Guidance
The advice offered to students will help them interpret information and apply it to their own situation. The guidance offered is the more in-depth support provided by qualified practitioners to help students explore their options and make informed choices that are best for them.
Careers Education
As students progress through the year groups they will experience a planned programme of activities which help them to develop the knowledge and skills to understand themselves, consider the potential opportunities available, have time dedicated to carrying out more research and then make decisions to move on to the next stage.
Effective Engagement with Employers
There will be opportunities to be inspired, informed and advised by employers through talks, workshops, lunchtime drop in sessions, visiting guest speakers to assemblies and work place visits. This engagement with employers is further developed with them carrying out mock interviews and assisting with enterprise activities and offering work experience, enrichment and volunteering opportunities.